Sunday, 24 April 2016

Catching Up

Is it really 6 months since I last wrote something? Doesn't time fly!

I won't bore you with what has been made but I think I will start over with current mumblings and projects.

I have been visiting my Mum a lot more recently and, apart from the usual clothes etc, have not been carrying crafty projects as I am never organised enough to remember everything to take.

I have a bionic gear bag, but it is a permanent project organiser on my sewing table and moving it would be wrong - it also contains things I don't often need to take anywhere. For example, my supply of sewing machine and hand sewing needles, basting safety pins, my Scissor Sistas labels that get sewn into items I make for the shop, spare unpickers and snips - the list goes on!
I could make myself another one but as it is only for occasional use, I want to be able to leave things in whatever I make, stash it in a drawer and grab when needed.

I made my Mum a pen roll at Christmas - she has been doing some of the adult colouring (very addictive if you were an avid colourer-inner when you were little) and this was to keep her pencils in. I should be able to do similar for sewing I thought. And then I saw reference to a hussif, which was a sewing roll carried by, amongst many, soldiers to patch up their kit - this is a very interesting page I found describing them in great detail ).

It would need a pocket or 2, somewhere to store needles and a few pins along with thread and scissors. So I have made one and am trying it out - after 12 hours there are a few things I would change when making another and will document them in a week or so, when I have used the hussif a bit more.

So, my cup of tea won't drink itself - see you next time! 

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