Saturday, 19 September 2015

A bit of Vogue Pattern Sewing - happy days

I recently became a member of White Tree Fabric blog team (you can read my introduction by Lisa below) and they generously gave me an opportunity to select a sewing pattern of my choice, make it and tell you about my trials and tribulations.

In the 1980s, when I first started sewing, I was introduced to Vogue Sewing patterns. Mainly the Vogue Designer range. They seemed expensive but you got a woven label stating this was a Vogue Designer Original so I was hooked! I never had a bad pattern or instructions - and so my decision was made, I browsed the Vogue patterns and spotted an Issey Mayake design.

Ah, Issey Mayake - my friend and I made many of his patterns in the 1980s (good job that Facebook didn't exist then - the evidence would be available for all to see). I found him to be a study in fabric origami and the reviews of the pattern I have chosen make it sound like nothing has changed.

I have selected to make the tunic in pattern V1309 and some Cloud 9 cotton to make it in. Black and white isn't me but luckily blue & white is.
As you can see, it is dramatic and my husband says 'very 1980s' but that is good with me.

So I will pre-wash my fabric and get cracking!

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